If you want a couch that lasts a long time, go for a leather one. It brings a sleek, sophisticated touch to any living room, captivating your guests and inviting them to sit and relax. However, you should remember one downside: the pigment on leather couches may crack and even peel over time.
What causes genuine leather to deteriorate? Spills, stains, and scratches. And while you can train your pet not to sit on the couch, avoiding spills is nearly impossible–unless you opt for a protective and water-resistant cover.
Haven’t got one yet? Let us guide you through how to protect your couch and keep it looking its best.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Cover a Leather Couch
Measure Your Leather Couch
Clean Your Leather Couch
Stretch the Cover Over Each Piece of Your Leather Couch
Adjust the Cover for a Smooth Finish
Occasional Maintenance
At Nolan Interior, we offer fixed and custom couch covers tailored specifically to snugly fit your couch. If your sofa is uniquely shaped, measure it correctly, send us the dimensions, and wait for your order.
💡Find Out the Best Cover for Your Leather CouchBefore you put the cover, you want to make sure all the stains, crumbles, and dust are wiped off. You can even moisturize your couch with a leather conditioner and let it absorb and dry before your order reaches your doorstep.
Unpack your covers from Nolan Interior and drape each piece over the couch. Our leather couch covers are soft and stretchy, so you will have no problem putting them on your couch. The best part is that they are easy to take off and can be washed in a washing machine.
Make some final adjustments and smooth out any wrinkles or excess fabric to make your couch look sleek and welcoming. These final touches will ensure the cover will stay in place and look polished at all times.
The final step is more of a recurring chore: keeping your couch and pillows clean and fresh. Taking the covers off is really simple, and they are washing-machine friendly. Make sure to follow the instructions on the label to ensure the covers remain soft and pleasant to the touch.
💡Discover Cleaning Practices to Keep Your Leather Couch in a Pristine ConditionCovering a Damaged Leather Couch
If you don’t have a brand-new leather couch but one with visible signs of damage, like tears or scratches, the process of covering it up is exactly the same except for preparing the couch itself.
Below, we share practical tips to help you prevent your leather couch from deteriorating further while the protective cover shields it from spills, dust, and debris.
How to Cover Up a Torn Leather Couch
Before covering your leather couch, it’s very important to address any tears it may have, even the minor ones. Despite our covers protecting your couch from spills, dust, and debris, leather tears may open up further, leaving a hole and making your comfy place of rest not so welcoming.
To patch up any tear, you should first clean any oil or dirt around it. Then, you should apply a special leather patch or an adhesive that will seal the tear. Make sure the tear is fully covered so that when somebody sits on the couch, it won’t open under pressure.
Only when the patch is dry can you cover the couch and refer to the instructions we’ve described above.
How to Cover a Ripped Leather Couch
Repairing a rip, even a minor one, is important to prevent it from growing larger. You should carefully clean the area from dust and oil and then apply a patch or a leather repair compound. In some cases, you may need to insert some fabric if a rip is deep.
Before covering the couch, you need to make sure that the patch is fully dried.
How to Cover a Peeling Leather Couch
If you notice that your leather couch starts peeling, you can smooth it out to maintain a fine appearance. To do that, you need to gently remove any flaking pieces but try not to pull any larger pieces out. When the surface area is smoother, apply a leather filler and let it dry fully.
When you follow these steps, you can proceed to cover your leather couch and be sure it will be protected from further wear and tear.
Final Words
Investing in a protective cover that not only keeps your leather couch from wearing further but also adds a nice touch to the decor of your room is money well spent. You can find various couch covers from Nolan Interior available in unique designs, colors, and sizes. Soft to the touch, easily washable, and water-resistant, Nolan Interior covers are the perfect solution to keeping your leather couch clean and comfortable.
If you have pets, children, and frequent guests, ensuring your leather couch stays in the best shape for years is effortless with Nolan Interior’s covers. Purchase a set to see its wonders!